NOTE: Taymount has changed the dates to Tuesday 25th January to Saturday 29th January 2022.

Here is an opportunity not to miss!!

Mr John Apthorp has kindly donated 6 rods/day on the famous River Tay, Taymount Beat from Tuesday 25th January to Saturday 29th January 2022. Included in this is full use of all the Taymount facilities, including boats.

The Tay Ghillies Association is offering these rods via a silent auction where offers are required for all five days, or individual days, of 6 rods/day. Offers should be emailed to The TGA Secretary, Jim Henderson, at, with your name, contact number, bid detail (number of days) and amount of bid.

Offers must be lodged by Sunday 23 January at 1800hrs, and successful bidders will be informed shortly after that.

This is a fantastic opportunity to bid for the experience of a lifetime on a fabulous beat on the Tay, with experienced ghillies. As a guide, rods on the lower Tay are in the range £40-60 each at this time of year.

All monies received will be allocated to the Tay Ghillies Association SmartRivers fund.

SmartRivers uses aquatic invertebrates as a diagnostic test to indicate possible pollutants impacting the habitat of wild fish. Launched in 2019, Salmon & Trout Conservation (S&TC) has 8 established hubs in the UK and has trained over 50 volunteers, bringing SmartRivers intelligence to spawning headwaters of many important salmon rivers. The Tay Ghillies Association is delighted to be working with S&TC to collect this vital data and help drive action in the Tay system. SmartRivers is at the cornerstone of S&TC work, turning science into meaningful local action to support healthy populations of wild fish and the wider freshwater habitat.

The Tay Ghillies Association is a Scottish Charity, No: SC029645, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).