The Tay Ghillies Association (TGA) is today announcing that it is changing its name to the Tay Catchment Salmon Alliance. This new name better reflects the current situation on the “Mighty Tay”, its tributaries and the landscape environment through which they flow. Joining the Alliance immediately is the Tay Action Partnership which comprises proprietors from significant beats in the Tay Catchment who bring huge experience, expertise and a sense of urgency to the new Alliance. There are more potential members also ready to join including environmental groups, local businesses, fishery owners, the hospitality industry, anglers, and interested individuals.
The continuing decline of the Wild Atlantic Salmon is worrying – this “King of Fish” is now listed as an endangered species! It is an “indicator species” and its decline shows that all is not well with our environment with significant issues caused by climate change, floods, increases in temperature and a number of man-made issues such as barriers to migration, pollution and over-predation by protected species. This is a major issue in the Tay Catchment, UK’s largest, with adverse effects on employment, tourism, local businesses and the environment which the general public enjoy. The new Alliance will take a catchment-wide approach to restoring the environment, focussing on environmental improvements benefiting the land, birds, mammals, all wild fish and the endangered freshwater pearl mussels.
There has been chronic under investment in the Tay Catchment Environment over decades. We recognise that there are limited funds available from UK and Scottish Government sources; that Fishery Boards and River Trusts are unable to attract sufficient funds to make a difference; and that existing agencies and interest groups cannot fund the scale of change required. However, doing nothing is not an option or the downward spiral will continue with severe pressure on the economy and jobs.
The Tay Catchment Salmon Alliance (TCSA) is an independent fund-raising charity dedicated to identifying “shovel ready” improvements and making them happen. The focus will be on plugging the gaps in current and future available funding. We are ready and willing to work in concert with the Scottish Government Wild Salmon Strategy and all other stakeholders to ensure the optimum use of resources and funding. Our aim is to deliver a catchment with a pristine environment to be enjoyed by all.